North Dakota Fur Hunters
and Trappers Association
Preserving our Heritage - Securing our Future
Harvesting wildlife and trapping are among the oldest activities of mankind. The North Dakota Fur Hunters & Trappers Association promotes the attributes and pride in this profession and its historic heritage. We are working diligently to insure our future generations enjoy the same opportunities we do today.
Recognized both statewide and across the nation, NDFHTA is a voice for North Dakota fur hunters and trappers. We are a proactive association and a responsible source of training and education with these outdoor activities.
NDFHTA has a variety of activities for your benefit throughout the year. These include fur harvester education classes, fur handling seminars, organizational meetings, and seasonal get-togethers. Everyone is welcome to NDFHTA activities which are open to the public. We serve to provide an environment for interaction and exchange of information.
Find more information about NDFHTA on our About NDFHTA page.
President's Report:
Turtle Mountain Marten Research Project
Pelts / Prints For Sale: