North Dakota Fur Hunters
and Trappers Association
Preserving our Heritage - Securing our Future
All memberships, except Lifetime, are for one year. The magazine included with select memberships is the Trapper’s Post.
All memberships include The Dakota Skinner, the NDFHTA newsletter. The newsletter is published twice a year in January and June.
With magazine - $25
Without magazine - $15
Junior (14 years of age and under)
With magazine - $15
Without magazine - $5
Family (up to 2 adults and all children under 18 years of age)
With magazine - $25
Without magazine - $15
Lifetime (under 62 years of age)
With magazine - $250
Without magazine - $125
Lifetime (62 years of age or older)
With magazine - $150
Without magazine - $75
Membership Application:
To join NDFHTA, fill out our membership form and send it with payment to our Treasurer.